WAPS is pleased to announce the date for our 2022 webinar which will take place on the Thursday 14th July between 1230 and 1700. The full programme is still being finalised but further details and booking are now available via Eventbrite. We hope to see you there!
The Welsh Acute Physicians’ Society (WAPS) is pleased to announce that, following the success of our first webinar last year, our annual symposium will be going ahead as a live online event for 2021.
We understand that it is vital to continue learning and sharing amongst our peers, despite recent events. So we are pleased to once again provide a programme of clinical and non-clinical talks relating to acute and general medicine.
We would like to thank our hard-working team of consultants/trainees in Wales, along with our speakers, who are taking the time and effort to contribute, enabling virtual learning and connections, whilst we eagerly anticipate meeting face-to-face with you all soon.
Who is it for?
Doctors of all grades and medical specialities from across the world
Physician Associates/ANPs/AHPs working in Acute Medicine
We would especially welcome anyone interested in acute medicine as a career
12:30 Checking In
13:00 NICE Guidance: All the Young Punks
On the back of the success and positive feedback from this session last year, we once again take you on a whistle-stop tour of new guidelines relevant to medicine – including acute coronary syndrome, atrial fibrillation, anaphylaxis, brain tumours and peri-operative care.
14:00 D-Dimers and all that jazz
Christian Nickel (@replynickel) is an emergency physician at the Emergency Department of the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland. He has a special interest in geriatric emergencies. His main research focus is disease presentation and risk stratification of (older) Emergency Department patients. Christian will talk about D-dimers and their use in acute care.
14:40 Break and Chatter
14:50 Ambulatory Care: Should I stay or should I go?
This session aims to showcase the variety of patients managed in an ambulatory care setting across our units in Wales. Cases will be presented by our acute medicine clinicians, along with a panel discussion. We hope to demonstrate how we maximise the resources that ambulatory care has to offer, whilst providing effective care for our patients.
16:10 Break and Chatter
16:20 Last Talk at the PROMS: Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Marjolein Kremers (@marjoleinkrem) currently works in the Department of Internal Medicine at Máxima Medical Centre and at the CAPHRI School for Public Health and Primary Care, Maastricht University. Marjolein does research in Internal Medicine (General Medicine), Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medical Care. She is well known for her work in the organisation of medical care and the patients’ voice in acute care. Marjolein will aim to increase your awareness of patient reported outcome measures and how they can help make healthcare more effective.
What do you get?
Join us live for an opportunity to take part in the conversation with our speakers
Certificate of attendance for the live event
Access to recorded talks after the live event
4 RCP CPD points (Approval code: 136210)
N.B. As per RCP guidance, delegates accessing the archived version of the event may record this in their CPD diary using the approval code provided for the live event for up to four weeks after the event date.
(Once registered you will receive details of how to join the webinar live and access content after the event)
What does my money contribute to?
Your money goes directly towards teaching and training our acute medicine trainees and furthering development and support for our teams across Wales.
Online Event Disclaimer
There may be those who are unable to attend the webinar live despite registering and making a payment. In order to allow this cohort to benefit from the contributions of our faculty, we are planning to record the webinar and allow access to this content for those delegates. If you are registering for the event, we will accept this as consent to the recording and distribution of the content to delegates.
Unfortunately we are unable to accept refunds after the event has taken place, but you will be able to benefit from access to the recorded talks.
We’re pleased to announce that our 2021 annual symposium will take place in the afternoon of Thursday 1st July. Similar to last year, this will be an online event to support the annual training week for our Wales acute medicine registrars. 4 RCP CPD points have been applied for.
Please check back over the next few weeks for further information including how to book your place!
Thanks for attending! We hope to see you again at our next event!
Consultants/SAS £20; Others £10
About this Event
Our annual symposium will be going ahead as an online event for 2020.
We understand that during these unusual and unprecedented times for healthcare workers, it is vital to continue learning and sharing amongst our peers. So we are pleased to once again provide a programme of both clinical and non-clinical talks relating to acute and general medicine.
We would like to thank our inspirational group of speakers for taking the time and effort to contribute to our programme, enabling virtual learning and connections, whilst we eagerly anticipate meeting face-to-face once again.
Who is it for?
Doctors of all grades and medical specialities
PAs/ANPs/AHPs working in Acute Medicine
We would especially welcome anyone interested in acute medicine as a career
N.B. For trainees in Wales please see HEIW website for information on taking study leave
Thursday 2nd July
12:30 Checking In
13:00 NICE & Fast: Guidance you might have missed during lockdown
During three months of lockdown, NICE has published no fewer than 45 guidelines: we will curate a whistle-stop tour of new guidelines relevant to acute medicine, including asthma, epilepsy, AKI, venous thromboembolic disease and artificial intelligence in radiology. N.B. There will be no mention of the 23 guidelines on COVID-19!
14:00 Skills for the 21st Century Clinician
This session will cover telemedicine and imaging techniques for the non-radiology clinician. Our esteemed speakers will be:
Telemedicine 2020: Patricia Mary ‘Trish’ Greenhalgh OBE (GP and Professor of primary care health sciences at the Nuffield Department in University of Oxford) You may have seen her guide to video consultations in the BMJ earlier this year. If you missed it… here is your chance to benefit.
Tele-Consultations for Real: Chris Subbe (Acute Physician, Ysbyty Gwynedd) Having been an advocate for telemedicine well before COVID-19, this is your opportunity to hear him speak about the ‘Attend Anywhere’ software package rolled out for all clinics throughout Wales – does it work for patients, clinicians and training?… Let’s find out.
Technical Skills Acquisition for Echocardiography: John Glen (Anaesthetic/Intensive Care Consultant and EMRTS Doctor, Ysbyty Glan Clwyd) At a time when imaging techniques are now compulsory for training in several specialties and no longer the prerogative of radiologists, here is an insight into life in 3D.
15:15 Break and Chatter
15:30 Life & Death: Effective care at the extremes of life
This session covers breaking bad news when we are unable to be face-to-face with relatives and the clinical frailty scale from the man himself. Our inspirational speakers will be:
Breaking Bad News over the Phone: Mark Taubert (Clinical Director, Consultant Physician & Honorary Senior Lecturer in Palliative Medicine, Cardiff) In the absence of body language, tissue and cups of tea, how do we best support grieving relatives? We hear from the writer of ‘Letter to David Bowie’ published by the BMJ which has been widely quoted as a commentary on dignified death and modern medicine.
Frailty & Intensive Care:Kenneth Rockwood (Professor of geriatric medicine & community health and epidemiology, Dalhousie University in Canada) Very few have contributed more to our understanding of ageing and its impact on surviving acute and critical illness. After the heightened use of his ‘Clinical Frailty Scale’ for decision making in critical care admissions, we are delighted to welcome the man himself to our programme.
17:00 Close
What do you get?
Join us live for an opportunity to take part in the conversation with our exceptional speakers
Certificate of attendance for the live event
Access to recorded talks after the live event
RCP CPD (Application in progress for 4 points) N.B. As per recent RCP guidance, delegates accessing the archived version of the event may record this in their CPD diary using the approval code provided for the live event for up to four weeks after the event date.
(Once registered you will receive details of how to join the webinar live and access content after the event)
What does my money contribute to?
Your money goes directly towards teaching and training our acute medicine trainees and furthering development and support for our teams across Wales.
Online Event Disclaimer
There may be those who are unable to attend the webinar live despite registering and making a payment. In order to allow this cohort to benefit from the contributions of our faculty, we are planning to record the webinar and allow access to this content for those delegates. If you are registering for the event, we will accept this as consent to the recording and distribution of the content to delegates.
Unfortunately we are unable to accept refunds after the event has taken place, but you will be able to benefit from access to the recorded talks.